Getting a Divorce, What to do with your Woodbridge Area Home

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Woodbridge VA Real Estate / Woodbridge VA Home Values / Woodbridge VA Homes for Sale 
The other day I received a call from a Woodbridge VA Home Seller asking me to set up an appointment to list his home. As always I asked will your wife who is also on the deed be there as well? The caller responded no she will not be home she is at work. The caller went on don’t worry I am just interested in doing some preliminary research now. OK! An hour later the wife called me telling me she will NEVER sell her home! Let me address something here. No matter how much one party wants to sell their family home in a divorce everyone has to be on the same page in order to sell Real Estate.Divorce is never easy, especially if the parties are not on the same page. In most cases in a divorce the parties are not on the same page, no surprise there.

When it comes to Real Estate and divorce there are a few things to consider:

  • Who keeps the home you currently live in?
  • What is the value of the home you currently live in?
  • Do you have investment properties?
  • What is the fair market value of our combined Real Estate?
  • Can one party buy out the other?
  • Are we better off selling the home we currently live in?
  • Can I afford to buy out my partner?
  • Can I afford to live in our current house by myself?
If the divorce is amicable and the parties can come up with a solution where everyone gets what they want then things can go much easier. If not a judge will have to decide what happens to any marital property including Real Estate.Most of the time I see couples that are getting divorced, selling their marital home. As the home was purchased with both of the couples income and if they separate or divorce the other spouse most of the time can not afford the mortgage by them self. In any event, every situation is different and every couple needs to decide for them self what’s best. You should discuss your own personal situation with a divorce attorney.