How long is the Commute from Woodbridge VA to DC?

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How long is the Commute from Woodbridge VA to DC?

What a great question and something I get asked all the time from home buyers that are not familiar with the area. With the recent modification they made to HOV lanes the commute from Woodbridge to DC should have improved even further.

Commuters have currently several options to getting back and forth from Woodbridge VA to the Nations Capital. 

Car: You can drive by yourself and either use the regular lanes on I95 or now you can also pay to using the HOV lanes which will guarantee a faster ride into the City. Or you can select to pick up sluggers or you can slug yourself. If you are picking up sluggers or have 3 people in the car you do not have to pay the HOV tolls. 

Slugging: Slugging is a very unique form of transportation know in the Northern Virginia / DC area. Slugging is essentially an organized form of hitch hiking. Lines are forming at commuter lots or on predetermined locations in DC for riders to picking up passengers that are needing to go to DC or back from DC to Woodbridge VA. This will allow the drivers to use the HOV lanes without having to pay and the riders get a free ride into DC. A win win situation for everyone. 

Train/VRE: There several VRE stops in the Woodbridge VA area. The VRE or Virginia Railway Express takes riders from any of the local VRE stops to Union Station in Washington DC.

Commuter Bus: The Commuter Bus PRTC takes riders from locations within Woodbridge VA, Dale City and Lake Ridge directly to Washington DC, The Pentagon or even Tysons Corner.

Ridesharing: There are several ridesharing options which are matching up drivers that are going to similar destinations. Out of the 3 people belonging to a carpool they always switch up on who is driving.

Overall commutes back and forth from Woodbridge VA to Washington DC are quick and easy.